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Symfony Seance 1

Seance 1 :

Configuration de PhpStorm + Symfony 3.4 et Creation du 1er Projet


Seance 2 :

↓ Affiche Image [ S2 (1) ] ↓ :


↓ Affiche variable [ S2 (2) ] ↓ :

↓ Tableau / Liste [ S2 (3) ] ↓ :

S2 (3) - Tableau / liste → details.html.twig

↓ Press button and Go to next page [ S2 (4) ] ↓ :

S2 (4) - Click button and go to next page

Symfony S5

Symfony - ( S6 )  DQL  +  Validateur



club Entity

For Symfony website templates : ThemeForest / htTrack
themeforest has bootstrap/html tempates usefull for any web project , even if these templates are payed , you can still download them for free using htTrack !

Usefull link for wamp Server Mysql problem or any other problems :

Generate Entity + CRUD : https://imgur.com/a/dXverU8 
youtube Video ( Generate CRUD ) : https://youtu.be/OEsC5mMx32Q 

additional youtube video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=408Jw_TFc9A

Form Customization ( {% form_theme form _self %} : 
https://www.grafikart.fr/forum/topics/29701 )
Helpfull Template Customization : 
(Bootstrap Toggle  → On/Off Switch  :   https://www.bootstraptoggle.com/
(bootstrap buttons align : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-set-the-button-alignment-in-bootstrap/      ( use class="text-left" "text-right" "text-center" /or/ class="pull-left" "pull-right" "pull-center" ) )

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