Set up CentOs 6.3
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How to Change CentOs 6.3 keyboard ( from "qwerty" ) to "azerty" permanently :
1.edit the file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard .
2.Configure the KEYTABLE et LAYOUT to "fr" , then Crtl+S ( to save ) and exit .
3. type the command : system-config-keyboard fr
Account: (all the account info is stored in the /etc/passwd )
- Username (login ID )
- UID ( User ID) this is a unique number
- Default Group
- Comments
- Home directory location
- Shell ( execute when user logs in )
--> the format of the "/etc/passwd" :
userName : password : UID : GID : comments : home_directory : shell
( example : joe:x:1000:1000:Joe Henderson:/home/joe:/bin/bash )
( example : joe:x:1000:1000:Joe Henderson:/home/joe:/bin/bash )
in this example of the root account : root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
( x : encrypted password stored in the "/etc/shadow" file )
(linux supports usernames up to 32 char length ; if username is longer than 8 char => UID is displayed in place of the username )
| usernames:
| - less than 8 char by convention| - case-sensitive
| - in lowerCase letters ( convention )
| - Numbers are allowed
| - Not use special characters
Passwords are stored in /etc/shadow :
passwords used to be stored in /etc/passwd →→ readabe by everyone.
Now encrypted passwords are stored in /etc/shadow →→ readable by root.
UIDs (are unique numbers) :
- Root account is always UID 0 .
- System account have UIDs < 1000 →→ this is configured in /etc/login.defs
GIDs :
- GID listed in the /etc/passwd in the account's default group
Chapter 2 : User & Group
# useradd < options > username
[-p password ]
[-u UID ]
[-g group_principal(par GID ou nom_grp) ]
[-G group_secondaire1,grp_sec2,... ]
[-c comment ]
[-d home_dir (usually /home/user-name) ]
[-s shell ]
[-m create_home_dir ]
[- k repertoire_/etc/skell ]
[-D print or change_DefaultValue_of_useradd_command ]
$ passwd < option > username
[ -l lock_Account ( ! before Crpyted-passwd)
[ -u unlock (-f force_unlock_for_Acc with no passwd
[ -d delete_password
[ -n <j> Duré_vie(Min)_password
[ -x <j> Duré_vie(Max)_password
[ -w <j> Numb_Days_before_warning
[ -i <j> inactive_Days (Nbr_Days after password expire taht the Acc will be Disactivated.
[ -S Account_status
# chage < option > username
( Champ 8 )
[ -E set_Acc_ExpireDate
[ -M Max_Days_before_passwrd_change
[ -m Min_Days_before_passwrd_change
[ -W Expiration_Warning_Days
[ -d set_Last_Day_of password changement.
$ usermod < option > username
[ -g Change_PrimaryGroup
[ -G Change_SecondaryGroup
[ -L lock_the_userAcc
[ -l <New_login>
[ -e <n>
[ -u <UID> change UID
[ -U unock_the_userAcc
[ -m move_home_dir to New location (implique presence de -d to presice Newdir)
#userdel (home_dir not removed)
#userdel -r ( to remove home_dir )
# groupadd
[ -g <preciser_GID>
# groups <username> ( list_Secondary_Groups_of_username)
# groupmod < option > Group_name
[ -n <nom>
[ -g <GID>
[ -A <username> add specific user to the group
[ -R <username> delete Specific user from group ]
# groupdel groupname (Doesn't Delete if it's the Primary_Group of a user )
(/etc/gshadow if it's definied in compilation )
# gpasswd < option >
[ -A : definit les Admins de Group
[ -M : definit les membres
[-r delete_Group_password
Group Admins can add or delete users :
[ -a <username> <group>
[ -d <username> <group>
# chown <username> <file_name>
# chgrp <Groupname> <file_name>
+ Ressources : Managing User Account in Linux
Chapter 3 :Compiler & installer des programmes
Archive : ensemble de fichiers qui ont une relation et stockés dans un fichier unique.
tar < function > < option -fv >
[ -c create new archive
[-t list files in tar
[-x extract tar
< -f specify tar name
<-v verbose
tar -cvf monbackup.tar ~
tar -cvf usr.tar /usr
tar -tvf monbackup.tar
tar -xvf monbackup.tar
Compression : Supprime redondances = Elimine les infos inutiles :
( 30 lettres X ) = ( 30*X ) occupe 4 Octets
Click to see videos :
RépondreSupprimer1. To access terminal as admin in centOs :
RépondreSupprimer#su -
2. To access terminal as admin in Ubuntu 20.04 :
#sudo -s